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Proposal Meeting: Carpet & Hardwood

January 25 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

A proposal meeting will be held in-person to receive the input of the membership as follows:

Sector:           Carpet & Hardwood
Date:              January 25, 2025, at 1:00 PM
Location:       Vaughan Headquarters HALL 1
                       200 Labourers Way Vaughan ON L4H 3T3


This meeting is being held to seek proposals from the membership for the renewal of the above Collective Agreement and to appoint bargaining committee representatives.

Please make every effort to attend this meeting and bring your union membership card.  It is in your best interest to attend.

If you are no longer working in the above-noted sector, please contact the Union immediately to update your information and to obtain the meeting date and time for your current sector.


January 25
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Event Category:


LiUNA Local 183


The Members Hall – Hall 1
200 Labourers Way
Vaughan, Ontario L4H 3T3 Canada
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