Its time for you to join the Labourers’ International Union of North America, Local 183

Need a Union? Join LiUNA! Local 183
Choosing to join a Union is one of the most important steps you can take to improve your working conditions; increase your wages; gain health and welfare benefits; and start a workplace pension.
LiUNA Local 183 already represents more than 70,000 workers. Its time that you made the decision to join us. There is strength in numbers. The process for joining the Union is different depending upon whether you are seeking to unionize work in construction industry or in non-construction jobs.
Click “Organize my workplace” if you want Local 183 to help organize your workplace.
If you are unemployed and seeking work in the construction industry, Click here for a contact list of all of our Business Representatives by sector, who can assist you with finding work and providing more information about joining Local 183
You can find more information about our Union, how to join a Union , and your rights to join a Union below.
Your right to join a union
The Ontario Labour Relations Act protects the right of all workers in Ontario to join a trade union. When you choose to join a Union you are making an important decision that can change your working life, and your retirement, for the better. Here is how to do it:
Contact a Union Organizer – Local 183 has Organizers and Business Representatives who can help you organize your workplace. They will not tell your employer, and will keep every conversation, email and text message confidential. To contact a Local 183 organizer click here.
Sign A Union Card – A union organizing drive involves collecting applications for membership (union cards). These are used to support an Application for Certification to the Ontario Labour Relations Board (the OLRB). If the Union can demonstrate that more than more than 40% of the employees in the bargaining unit have applied to join the Union, the OLRB will order a vote. If more than 50% of the employees vote in favour of the Union then the Union will be certified and the employer will then have to bargain a collective agreement. The company must respect the will of the majority.
There is a special process for employees in the construction industry. If 55% of the employees at work for an employer in a bargaining unit on the date of application have signed cards the OLRB will certify the Union without a vote. In the construction industry there are often accredited industry-wide collective agreements that can be automatically binding upon your employer so that there is no negotiation.
Spread the Word – Organizing your workplace involves convincing majority of your coworkers to sign union cards. You can help by:
- Arrange for the organizer to meet your coworkers after work, and off of the jobsite.
- Help the organizer know who you work with and how they can contact them.
- Ask the organizers for information that you can distribute to your coworkers.
- Be informed about your rights at work, and your Right to Join a Union.
Don’t be Intimidated – Some organizing drives are quick, but others take time. It all depends upon how many coworkers you have, and how active they are in spreading the word. The more united the workers, the easier and quicker the organizing drive.
Sometimes employers hear rumours of the union organizing. When that happens they often start to threaten workers saying ‘we can’t afford to be union’ or ‘we might have to shut down if you join the union: They only say this to try and stop you exercising your rights. It is unlawful for an employer to threaten or coerce you to prevent you from joining a union. If your employer threatens you tell your organizer.
Help Gather Information – Once the workers have signed union cards the Union will select the date to file an Application for Certification. Only employees who have a continuing employment relationship with the employer are able to vote. You may be asked for information about who those coworkers are; what they do; and when you las saw them. Helping your organizer understand your workplace lets them be sure that the Union has support before filing the Application.
Why join LiUNA! Local 183?
We take pride in representing working people, and in making sure that their employers treat them with dignity and respect.
- We represent over 70,000 members that work in factories, warehouses, cleaning, nursing homes and various sectors of the construction industry.
- All members at LiUNA Local 183 are represented equally regardless of their ethnic or national background. We have a strong team of representatives that speak many different languages and that are happy to assist our members.
- Our primary function is to negotiate and enforce collective agreements. These are the contracts which set out and guarantee your wages, benefits and employment conditions.
- Union wages and benefits are typically higher than non-union. A union contract has a grievance process which gives you protection from arbitrary employer discipline and discriminatory treatment.
- A union gives you a voice at work. If joining a union wasn’t such a powerful step, employers wouldn’t be so scared of workers getting together to form them.
- Don’t be misled by the company’s lies or empty promises.
- Join a union that is transparent and treats all its members fairly and equally.
For over a century, the labour movement has been hard at work to improve the life of all workers. Local 183 has been part of this life changing movement working closely with other trade unions and local governments to ensure that changes continue to happen to improve the livelihood not only of its membership but workers in general.
Over the last few decades, there has been significant changes to labour laws and collective bargaining that continues to help and protect our membership through:
- Improvements to Maternity/Parental Leave
- Implementation of Successors Rights
- Vacation with pay
Through collective bargaining, we have improved on the following:
- Sick days
- Paid Bereavement Leave
- Wages
- Health and Welfare Benefits
- Pension
- Anti discrimination/Harassment Language
For more information about health and welfare benefits, please speak to an organizer or visit the LiUNAcare website.
Local 183 continues to lobby government to improve current and introduce new laws that will improve life for all workers in Ontario.
Advantage of joining a trade union
- LiUNA Local 183 provides many benefits and support for its members. It does not matter where you come from, man or woman, Local 183 contracts treat us equally!
- Business Representatives with the assistance of membership elected bargaining committees negotiate Collective Bargaining Agreements and if required, LiUNA Local 183 will ask the Ministry of Labour to appoint a Conciliation Officer who will explain to the Employer what their rights and responsibilities are.
- As a member, you are represented on the job by LiUNA Local 183. Some of the advantages of working under a Collective Bargaining Agreement are competitive hourly rates, better health and retirement benefits, job security and safer working conditions.
- LiUNA provides apprenticeship and training programs, offering members the opportunity to develop and improve skills needed to obtain and to retain employment in an ever more complex and demanding working environment; LIUNA has one of the best continuing education systems in the world – and it’s free to members. Training helps you find more work and keeps all of us safer on the job;
- The Union enforces legal rights, such as those extended to workers under the Ontario Labour Relations Act.
- The Union promotes job site safety as guaranteed under Occupational Health and Safety Act.
- The Union protects against discrimination in employment by enforcing both contract rights and legal rights such as those found in the Human Rights Code.
- Yes, union members pay union dues. But those dues are tax deductible and receipts are sent annually to be claimed on your Income Tax Return. The amount of union dues are minimal for the services and protection that Local 183 offers its membership. Those dues are an investment in your future.